Find each other again.
Therapy for Couples
Sometimes we lose each other.
Sometimes it’s a big event—something that shakes the foundation of your relationship. Sometimes it’s a million little things. Whatever brought you here, it leaves you asking, can we be like we were…before? Is my partner really here for me? Am I still what they want? How can we find each other again?
An Evidence-Based Approach
When we run into struggles in our relationships, we often find ourselves caught in the same cycles. Often this leads to feeling misunderstood or alone in the relationship. We can find ourselves fighting about the same things or withdrawing into ourselves at the first sign of trouble. The method I use when working with couples (EFT) was designed to identify and break down these cycles, helping couples to really see and understand each other and to communicate their deepest needs. Through couple’s counseling, we can let go of old patterns and hurts and build love, trust, security, playfulness, and intimacy, rediscovering each other again.
Find Each Other Again
As you and your partner identify what cycles you often get stuck in, you will start to recognize them in your daily life. An event that in the past would have sent you spinning away from each other turns into an opportunity to meet each other in vulnerability and connect on a deeper level. You begin to understand your own reactions, as well as those of your partner, and more importantly, the emotions and vulnerabilities underlying those reactions. You begin to form new cycles, cycles that bring you and your partner closer together, and you face your relationship struggles as a team, rather than facing off against each other. You’re finding each other again.
“New beginnings start with knowing how we create the trap that we are caught in, how we have deprived ourselves of the love we need. Strong bonds grow from resolving to halt the cycles of disconnection, the dances of distress.”— Sue Johnson, author of Hold Me Tight and Love Sense